Step Into the World of Our Meerkats – Live and Unfiltered!
“A Cozy Peek Into Our Meerkats’ Indoor Den—Live!”
For a limited time, our live webcam has moved inside! Normally hidden from visitors, this is the meerkats’ private retreat—where they stay warm on chilly days, snooze under their heat lamp, and relax away from the elements. Now, you have a rare chance to see what goes on behind the scenes in their indoor enclosure!
This spacious indoor area is designed to keep them active and engaged, featuring a soft straw bedding floor where they forage for food and various enrichment items to stimulate their curious minds. While you watch, you might see them digging, playing, or grooming one another.
Can’t spot them? They may be outside in the main enclosure or tucked away in their small, cozy bedroom space in the top corner of the image—the one with the circular door. Keep checking in, as they’re always on the move!
To tune in, simply press the ‘play’ icon below and take a peek inside their cozy home.
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