Come and meet our small mob of meerkats. Sugar, Spice & Crumble.
This is a unique experience where you can spend some time sitting in with our meerkats. Our meerkats will come and say hello, climb on you and you may even be picked out by Crumble, who might take a perch on your head or shoulders. He loves sitting up high to watch the world go by. Sugar & Spice will happily take some food from your bowls (which will be supplied) and munch away at their favourite treats.
Take some photos and enjoy being surrounded by these fascinating creatures.
What is included:
25-30minutes with the meerkats including a health and safety briefing. You will also receive a complimentary cream tea in our Cat Cafe. (Please let us know in advance if there are any dietary requirements)

Please note we are limited to 6 people per a session. Children must be over the age of 12 due to health and safety reasons.